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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Recommendations: CW-RPS J2

I'm not looking for big adventures in fanfiction, a plot is nice, but an exploration of the (beginnings) of a relationship between the characters is sufficient. Life doesn't have a plot. Not that I know of anyway;)

Here are my favorite Jared/Jensen stories:

Waiting for My Real Life to Begin by sneaky-sena
Summary: AU. Jared and Jensen are college roommates. Six chapters about how their relationship started. Sneaky Sena occasionally adds awesome ficlets to what is now known as The Waiting 'verse.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six
Jensen Interlude Short Jensen pov, R
Wayfaring Sons Two parts: Jared wants to come out to his parents. And it's Spring Break. NC17
I Watch the Sun As it Comes Up, I Watch it As it Sets An old friend notices a change in Jensen, outsider pov, R
Second Jensen Interlude Drunk Jensen loves his man, PG13

Fade Back to the Football'verse by bksncleverness
Summary: AU. Jensen Ackles is the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. Jared Padalecki is a newly drafted receiver on the team. Yeah, I don't know what that means either. Something to do with sports. The story focuses on the guys' time off the field in this wonderfull Football'verse:
Part 1a, Part 1b, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Three Days Without Jared Phonesex, NC17
Weight Training Working Out, NC17
The Hands-Off-Jared Policy Jared takes Jensen home to meet the parents..., NC17

New OTP 'Verse by keepaofthecheez
Summary: Smallville-era!Jensen and Gilmore Girls-era!Jared meet at a party. They talk. They argue. They have sex. But do they have a future together? Dum-dum-dum. Exciting stuff. Eighteen (18!) parts.
Pre-SPN OTP' Verse

The College AU 'Verse by with_a_kay is also known as When You Care Enough to Hit Send and started with I'm Ready to Change My Facebook Relationship Status If You Are in which Senior Jensen hooks up with Freshman Jared at some Californian College (months after they had a hot 'n heavy encounter while Jailbait! Highschool!Jared was still checking out universities). The verse is not written in chronological order, but consists of several stand-alone snippets and fics with e-cards. You can choose to read in the order they were written or follow the guys on the timeline from year one in college to eternity. The author is still adding occassional timestamps to this everlasting universe with different povs. Rating up to R. Angsty Jensen + Bouncy Jared make an addictive combination: Masterpost!

I don't usually rec WIPs, but this is just too good a universe to ignore: This Is My Four Leaf Clover by sneaky-sena: Jared’s a barista, Jensen’s a cop, and neither one of them wants anything more than a purely physical relationship. Really. NC17. With character development even. Two part so far. Hot enough to read as stand alones.

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