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Friday, April 25, 2008

Quick review: The Xenophobe's Guide To The Dutch

The Xenophobe's Guide To The Dutch
Publisher: Oval projects, 1995, revised 2006
Short summary and opinion: It's one of those booklets you would give as a joke to someone going on vacation. Since I'm always curious to know what the rest of the world thinks of The Netherlands, I couldn't resist. To my surprise it's strangely accurate in its depiction of the Dutch. There are of course a couple of things I don't agree with, but I fear they might be true as well;) This was educational for me, I'm sure it's a necessary read if you plan to visit.
Consider yourself warned when traveling here (Quotes): The Dutch are open about everything. Preserved vegetables come in glass jars rather than in tins. Lavatories have a shelf in the bowl, ensuring that even your internal workins are open to daily inspection. (I didn't realize this is not common in other parts of the world;)
Contrary to popular belief, selling marijuana is not legal in the Netherlands. This, and many such activities, are 'gedoogd' - not legal but nevertheless 'allowed' in certain controled areas, to reduce the crime and nastiness that often surround them - [it's an] example of the Dutch letting in a little evil to keep out the bigger one. In like manner, most Dutch people will agree that it is simply common sense to allow prostitutes to work openly, protected from pimps and with access to free medical check-ups. In the Netherlands, prostitutes find themseleves at loggerheads not with the moralists or the Law, but with feminists, who feel that they are letting the side down. True. Prostitutes even have their own union.
Rating: 8/10
Curious? Available here!

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