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Sunday, April 17, 2011

BOOK: Alle Verhalen - Arthur Japin

Title: Alle Verhalen
Author: Arthur Japin
Genre: Short stories
Publisher: Singel Pockets, 2005 (1996)
Pages: Paperback, 412
Language: Dutch
Rating: 8/10
Summary: A collection of all stories written by Arthur Japin, including travelstories but also Magonian stories about his childhood, partly set in the imaginary world created by his father (who killed himself when Arthur was twelve).

Spoilerfree review
There are many different stories and it's hard to tell which parts are true personal anekdotes and which parts are made up. Most stories have a bitter twist and it's extra painful to realize that they feature actual people.
If you've read Japin's diaries you have some background information that is helpful. It doesn't make the stories hurt any less, but at least you know that the little boy who's the maincharacter in a lot of stories turns out to be okay. Although that one story about grown up Arthur meeting two of his 'characters' while traveling the GoldCoast makes you aware that reality doesn't always end with a happily ever after.

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