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Sunday, April 17, 2011

BOOK: The Descent Of Man - Charles Darwin

Title: The Descent Of Man (The Concise Edition)
Author: Charles Darwin (selection by Carl Zimmer)
Genre: science, biology, evolution
Publisher: Plume, Penguin Group 2007 (1870)
Pages: Paperback, 416
Language: English
Rating: 8/10
Summary: This is a sort of follow up to The Origin Of Species, about the evolution of plants and all animals. The Descent Of Man specifically explores the cultural and behavioral development of people (for instance the origin of language and moral). In this edition scientist Carl Zimmer added his own modern day essays in between the sections.

Carl Zimmer chose to edit out a couple of chapters in the second part of the book about sexual selection and procreation since Darwin kind of loses himself in extensive comparisons with birds (also his favorite example animal in tOoS;). The full original title of the book is The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. I got this book as a present and at first I was disappointed that I hadn't received the original and complete edition, but after -once again- struggling with Darwin's excessive writing style I was glad I had some guidance while reading. Especially because some of Darwin's point of views were coloured by the era in which he lived. Which I found odd, since he manages to approach most other aspects of evolution rather neutral and scientifically. But the way he looks at primitive tribes and women is not very pleasant. So it was good to have Carl Zimmer put those issues in a present day perspective. It was a long read, but I'm very pleased to have finished the book. Educational for those who are interested in the subject.

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