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Sunday, April 17, 2011

BOOK: The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom

Title: The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Author: Mitch Albom
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Sphere, 2003
Pages: Paperback, 208
Language: English
Rating: 8/10
Summary: Eighty-three year old Eddie dies and ends up in heaven, which is quite different from what he imagined.

Spoilerfree Review
Earlier I reviewed Mitch Albom's autobiographical debut Tuesdays with Morrie and you may remember that didn't really appeal to me. But at the end of that book there was a preview of the first chapter of his first novel and I was charmed by that, so I decided to give the author another chance.
The Five People You Meet In Heaven begins with the tragic death of Eddie, the mechanic of a small amusement park on a pier. He wakes up in heaven, where he -indeed- meets five people. Each one of them has an explanation for him how to move forward. I found this idea a beautiful concept and Albom's execution is even better than I had expected. Very touching.

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