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Sunday, April 17, 2011

BOOK: Just In Case - Meg Rosoff

Title: Just In Case
Author: Meg Rosoff
Genre: Teens
Publisher: Penguin Books, 2006
Pages: Hardcover, 230
Language: English
Rating: 9/10
Summary: Fifteen year old David has the eery feeling that Fate has it in for him. He decides to change his identity and become a different person so Fate won't be able to track him down.

Spoilerfree review
Found in the bargainbin, this book caught my eye because of its cover. The text on the back about how 'Every minute of every day, a million things happen. [...] A fifteen-year-old boy falls in love. Or has sex. [...]' made me buy it...

I thought David's paranoia was simply an extreme case of puberty until Fate himself speaks up. David's transformation in itself is a fun read and recognizable for anyone who struggled to figure out their identity. It's an awkward surprise when Fate admits to the reader he (she?) is indeed playing a game.
And even though David's (new) life eventually becomes a little extreme, it is still a very believable story.
Cool idea, excellent execution. I highly recommend this book and will definitely search for the author's debut 'How I Live Now', because I love her style.

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