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Friday, April 25, 2008

Quick review: Bestiarium by J.J. Voskuil

Author: J.J. Voskuil
Language: Dutch
Short summary and opinion: Short stories about animals in one tiny booklet, published as an introduction to the author. J.J. Voskuil is the writer of the 'longest novel in world literature' (Het Bureau, 5.000 pages about life in an office). Some of the very short stories in this booklet are taken from that novel. All are about observation of animals, from pigeons nesting in front of his window to trying to save a little bird and witnessing a cow running from the slaughterhouse.
I didn't need an introduction, but I collect these booklets (there is one every month and it only costs one euro: bargain book!) Although I have not read his famous novel, I did read De Moeder Van Nicolien which tells the story of Nicolien's mother going senile. That book spans thirty years. (it also includes fragments from the big novel's universe) I remember that book impressed me. This tiny booklet? Not so much.
Rating: 6/10
Curious? Too bad. Although he is the writer of one of the most famous pieces of literature in The Netherlands (Het Bureau), there are no translations of his books available at the moment.

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